HIV Test Akpos went for HIV test in a hospital on Friday and was told to come back on Monday for the result.When he got to church on Sunday, the pastor declared to the people that, ”Everything you are looking forward to this week shall be positive!”Akpos jumped to his feet and shouted, ”I rejectContinue reading

Food for health

Kinds of food in out locality Food is anything which nourish our bodies when eaten The important of foods are for energy sharpiness of the brains, smoothness of your skins,strongness of bones ,bloods etc…… Kinds of food for healthy life are maize,yam,rice,apple,carriots,cassava,breads onions, tomatoes, pineapple,pawpaw, eggs,milk, fish,meat,healthy foods healthy for life

There is no life that is more sweeter than the life of your child hood waking up ,glaminy at the early morning sweet airs with a heart of achieving your dreams , walking around the beautiful flowers catching fire fles possess the light of wishes, someone else once said hold a fire flies on your hands and make a great wish and it will come to pass🤩😆😀🤓👼🧚👉👍👍

The Future of Plugin, Themes, and Services Purchases on

Recently we shared that you can now purchase six popular Automattic plugins right from your dashboard. We’re intentionally testing this out with our own products before opening it up to the broader community. This is the first step in our plan to make taking your site to the next level faster, easier, and moreContinue reading “The Future of Plugin, Themes, and Services Purchases on”

Lens-Artists Challenge #186 – Low Light

Egrets at Sunset, Kiawah Island “I believe in the photographer’s magic – the ability to stir the soul with light and shape and color.” Amyn Nasser I gave some serious thought to my opening image for Sofia’s Low Light challenge this week. It’s not as amazing as some others might be, but it represents aContinue reading “Lens-Artists Challenge #186 – Low Light”

Smitty’s Letter XVI “Guard Duty”

Guard Duty, 15 January 1945, all of the 11th Airborne Division was back on Bito Beach where they rested, re-organized, got re-equipped, re-trained and with a little time left over – they wrote letters home.  Here starts Number 16 from Smitty….   Letter XVI                     Continue reading “Smitty’s Letter XVI “Guard Duty””

It was a beautiful & peaceful Sunday afternoon 🌞 until…. ‼️ 🙀 Meow, Meow ‼️ ‼️ Excessive meowing from upper ceiling front porch. 😱 🙀The house is 3 story. The 2nd entrance is high ceiling. 🌴 🐦 🐦 🌴 I assumed that she was accidentally locked up on the rooftop this morning…after following my husband.(HeContinue reading

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